Thursday, May 25, 2017

Up & Coming Talent: Wayland

Tired of that
lackluster nine to five job? Don’t is some inspiration to
kickstart your dreams.

     We’ve all seen them. These incredibly talented celebrities out there that are living the dream. They get to do what they a career. Who does that?!
      The answer to that question is...everyone should do what they love. But the faith to follow down that path can sometimes be overwhelming. Will you be able to make a solid career and live off of your dream?
       It has been said that everything that you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear. You need to live fearlessly. Easier said than done, am I right?
      But the truth in the matter is that you don’t get anywhere in life without a little courage. The thought of failure, especially at something  you are passionate about, can cause anyone to have a nervous breakdown. I myself was a little worried about starting my writing career. But you power through any turmoil and nay-sayers, because this is what you want to do. And you CAN do it.
      Whether you are a highly sought-after actress like Sarah Michelle Gellar and want to start a baking business known as Foodstirs, or you are a small town girl with dreams of becoming one of the state’s best wedding planners and create a business called Simply Gypsy Events, you should follow your dreams. Maybe you want to start a calligraphy business called Ivory Ink Co., or you are Reese Witherspoon and you want to start your own clothing line named after your grandparents, Draper James. There are numerous examples of people that actually go for what they want, so why shouldn’t you?
      We chatted with some up and coming stars about their journey with doing what they love to do. These artists are forging their own destiny one show at a time. Audience after audience and song after song, they make their way into hearts of new fans everywhere.
      When you think about all of the people they have met and the places they have seen, who wouldn’t want to follow their path. We spend the majority of our adult, and sometimes adolescent years, at work. So why not enjoy what you are doing. We get this one chance on Earth to make the best of our time here. So, go start following your dreams.




              If you have ever gone to a rock concert and been slapped in the face by the pure sound of genius, then there is a chance you have seen the band Wayland.
              Naming their band after the hometown of Wayland, Michigan. They primarily were a Midwest rock ‘n’ roll touring group. A local radio station realized their talent, and added one of their hit songs into the rotation, jumpstarting their career.
Since then, they are touring the country and world with their music. We talked with co-founder Phillip Vilenski about how they got their start and some of the weirdest things that have ever happened on stage.

Improper Adult: Who is in the band and what do they play?
Phillip Vilenski: Mitch Arnold-lead singer, Dean Pizzazz-bass player, Nigel Dupree-drummer, Phillip Vilenski-lead guitar player

IA: When was the band started?
PV: Mitch and I started writing songs together twelve years ago. The band itself has been around for nine or ten years, but we weren’t named Wayland until 2010.

IA: What made you decide to form the band?
PV: We never really set out to form the band, it just happened. It was a combination of the stars aligning and our genetic makeup. Our purpose on Earth was to write songs together and share our music with people.

IA: What is the most memorable place that you have ever played at?
PV: There are a lot of them. I can remember when Mitch and I first started playing together, we would play on the streets of Huntington Beach in Orange County, California. We went corner to corner, playing the three songs that we knew, singing “Brown-Eyed Girl” and “Hard to Handle.” We were trying to make seventy dollars a day.
One of my greatest memories is opening up for Sammy Hagar in front of sixty thousand people at a rock festival in Wisconsin last year.
There is quite an array of memories because we have been touring non-stop for five years. And before that, we were writing songs and playing all over the country.

IA: What is the craziest thing that has ever happened during one of your concerts?
PV: Ahh, the craziest thing that has ever happened...I split my pants open one time. We kept playing and I had no idea. The crowd was pointing. So I would say that’s a good one.

IA: Who is the biggest crowd-pleaser in the band?
PV: That’s a tough one. I think all four of us absolutely live to be on  that stage in front of people. And I think that we all try to out do each other every night. We are a little ham from the very beginning. Each one of us, we are little kids. Our parents could tell you stories of us entertaining groups of people.

IA: Does the band have an overall musical inspiration?
PV: When we perform, all four of us draw from different places. I grew up as a huge Elvis fan when I was a little kid. I’m not really sure that you will see a direct influence of that in my performance. But I think it is a recipe of everything we’ve experienced combined with what you are listening to at the time. Just that raw energy. I had no idea that I really danced around on stage or made faces while I played, until I saw a video of it. I’m just trying to make music all night.  But then that energy takes over, and you can’t really control what happens. You just do your best to try to act like you know what you are doing. In all, it is a pretty amazing feeling.

IA: What is your favorite song to perform?
PV: “Shopping for a Savior.” It is a song that we have been playing for about five years. Being a staple for the band, it starts out with a really cool guitar rift. We sing three part harmony, which we are kind of known for. We actually just rewrote the song; we rewrote all the words and rerecorded it. It will be on our upcoming album.

IA: FUN FACT TIME: Who snores the loudest in the band?
PV: Hands down, Dean Pizzazz is the winner. I would probably be a close second, from what I hear. We used to live together in a one bedroom apartment in LA, and we’ve lived like that for ten years. Now we all live on a tour bus. So we know each other really well. We’ve always felt like, even before we toured, that we make better music, since we live so ridiculously close together.

IA: What is the weirdest thing that you or any of the other members have autographed?
PV: Oh man, we have autographed any body part that you can think of. We just autographed a dude’s ass the other day. I guess he is going to get it tattooed on him. We have autographed cell phones, tennis shoes, someone’s face.

IA: Do you have anything that you really want our readers to know about you guys?
PV: The only thing is the promise to our listeners that the four of us will always make the best music that we possibly can, and the truest music. That is really important to us. We have been really transparent with our Wayland Warriors, our fans. It means the world to us, because they are all that we have. I can remember ten years ago when we had no fans. No one had ever heard of us. We were starting out, wishing we had a fan base to play to. It is all that we have ever wanted. Now that we have one, it is the most rewarding experience ever. Hearing people singing our songs, having them write to us about how it has effected their personal lives and experiences. To sum all that up, thank you.

You can find Wayland on Facebook and Instagram.

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